Solutions for farmers and growers
Insect farming as a further mainstay.
Being successful as a grower.
Insect farming is ideal for farmers who want to diversify, for example, who are considering establishing another mainstay alongside pig or poultry farming. This is because, as in other production areas, breeding and growing insects is similar to the classic decentralization of animal farming. The breeders supply the growers with young larvae. The growers keep the larvae until they are ready to be harvested and processed either on site or by a third party.

Circular economy with insect larvae
We or our regional partners like FarmInsect in Germany advise farmers on the profitability of insect farming. Once the conditions for profitable operation are in place, a highly automated, modular fattening system from Better Insect Solutions is set up and commissioned. This also involves adapting the feed and climate recipe to local conditions.
After commissioning, the farmer as the grower ideally receives the young larvae from a regional breeder on a weekly subscription basis. Feeding with the farmer’s own residual materials or those of local partners is almost fully automated. Growing is simplified through the use of big data and artificial intelligence.
The farmer can feed the finished larvae to his animals himself. If the farmer’s own requirements are lower, the surplus production can be sold. As a high-quality protein, it is suitable for pet food production, for example. The frass can also be utilized. It is ideal as fertilizer for your own fields.
Fattening system
- Consulting and project planning for the highly automated fattening system from Better Insect Solutions
- Delivery, installation and commissioning
- Adaption of feed and climate recipe to local conditions
Young larvae
- Weekly supply of young larvae
- Feeding with own residual materials or use of regionally available residues
- Big data and AI-supported optimization of the system
Own use or sale
- Feeding of the fattened larvae to own animals or sale of the surplus production
- Own use of the frass as fertilizer or sale

Contact & consultation
Let’s talk about your start in insect farming!
Better Insect Solutions is the concept and solution hub of the Big Dutchman group, comprising the sister companies Big Dutchman, INNO+ and SKOV. For decades, these companies have provided cost-efficient and robust solutions for a wide range of technologies applied in animal farming.

Our team
Lars-Henrik Lau Heckmann (Head of Business Development), Henrik Voigt (Head of Sales), Arne Brændgaard (Senior Project Manager), Julius Hamelmann (Key Account Manager)